To: The VBCA Membership, Athletic Directors and VT Press
From: Adam Provost
RE: New VBCA Website Address and Academic Project
Hi Folks,
We've just shifted the Vermont Baseball Coaches Association over to a new domain (web) name:
The website should be viewable at all locations throughout the world over the next 24 hours.
We are introducing one new item to the site today.
This new site will feature stories about baseball in Vermont.
Here are some examples (in no particular order):
All our State teams, personal milestones, articles of interest: Little league, Middle School, High School Basebal, Babe Ruth, Cal Ripken, Senior Babe Ruth, American Legion, Collegiate, NECBL, Minor and Major League Baseball.
- Individual player and team features: Outstanding game events, winning streaks, personal performances: Good baseball press!
- Vermont baseball alumni: 'Where are they now' type stories
- Legends, legendary games and legendary moments: Those remarkable stories.
- Collegiate baseball updates and announcements
- Field renovation / community projects
- Tryouts and baseball camp information for your area
- Coaching milestones
- Tributes: Remembering those who have passed on
- The history of Vermont Baseball
- Important events / milestones in Summer collegiate leagues, Minor, Major League Baseball
Please note: This new site is not meant to be a communications center for individual teams regarding practice schedules or game cancelations etc.
Here's where you come in! We are looking for authors across Vermont to contribute stories to our site. We are taking ideas for written and short video features. If you are a player or student as part of an academic or extra-curricular project, a Vermont Baseball Alumni, Active or Retired Coach, Athletic Director or member of the Press and would like to submit articles, please forward stories on to the following address:
The articles can be short, long, include pictures or just factual information on the topics above. Your perspective, your stories.
Submission guidelines:
1. Submissions should be sent in via email, cut and paste style with pictures as attachments. No documents please.
2. Submissions should contain no profanity.
3. No slanderous articles will be considered.
4. The VBCA reserves all rights regarding postings, content and related posting decisions.
Hearing many voices, speaking to our current events and our dynamic history... now that's good baseball.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for tuning in, Adam